This web site has a sister Facebook group, appropriately named “I Love Black & White Photography,” which has been growing consistently since it was founded in 2015. So, every time we hit a membership milestone, I select a photo to grace the top of the group page. Lately, that change has come whenever another 250 […]
609 Portraits in 1 Afternoon: Steve Payne Gets Ambitious
Artist’s Stament: I wanted to try something different and shooting 1000 portraits in 1 afternoon seemed like a good idea. Due to circumstances mostly out of my control and a few tech/lighting issues, I only managed a pathetic 609, but I’m happy with that as it was a first attempt. I’ll do better next time. […]
Gil Munoz Portfolio: “Photography is My Mistress and Soulmate”
The latest in a series of portfolios spotlighting members of the Facebook group “I Love Black & White Photography.” Artist’s statement: From the first click I had a simple approach: Is it interesting? I seek to capture not only an image, but timeless moments; a feeling. B&W photography always felt a shade moody, so that was a natural coupling […]
Best of B&W Photography: Week of 4/24/17
Here are nine fantastic photos in black and white, and the people who posted them, that rose above the noise on social networks this week. Check them out, and show them some love! Linda Wisdom Photo (Twitter) Andrea Arbia (flickr) Fernando Castellanos Ale Macliver (flickr) Luis Antonio MolBavar (Twitter) Patrizia Pernio (Twitter) Jesse Pino (Twitter) […]
The Best of B&W Photography: Week of 4/10/17
Here are nine fantastic photos in black and white, and the people who posted them, that rose above the noise on social networks this week. Check them out and be sure to add your likes, hearts and follows! @fairplagiarism (Twitter) photograph magazine @photographmag (Twitter) Magic Black pictures @Blacwhitfoto (Twitter) Franck BERTRAND @bertrafr (Twitter) Miguel Calabria @MiguelCalabria […]
By Way of Introduction: Street Photography by Mason Resnick
Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m the editor/publisher of “I Love Black & White Photography,” which started out as a Facebook group and is now live as a full-fledged web site devoted to all aspects of digital and film B&W photography. While we’re starting out with mostly the same content that appeared in our […]